“I first started to get acne in high school around the age of 14 and began using a range of over the counter creams and cleansers with little to no success. A friend suggested I book a consultation with Karen Bowen a and it has been the best decision for my skin."
“Focusing on cleansing the body both internally and externally, we begun with a new diet and regime of products that had immediate noticeable results. Supported by fortnightly treatments the results were unmatched and after each session, my skin became clearer and felt healthier. One particular technique Karen used cleared the skin in just days."
“Over the next few months, my skin was looking the best it had in years with much of the redness reduced and an vastly clearer surface."
“Overall, the experience has been testing, but the results completely out-weigh any doubt and fear I had going into this series of treatments. I strongly recommend to anyone suffering from acne to have a consultation with Karen Bowen and her highly trained team who were completely professional and extremely helpful throughout the course of my treatment.”