Skin Needling

Collagen Induction Therapy & Scar Reduction Therapy

We offer four types of needling methods

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Skin Needling results Perth - After - Karen Bowen Dermal Therapist
Skin Needling results Perth - Before - Karen Bowen Dermal Therapist
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These treatments work by stimulating the body’s own healing process and leading to the regeneration of collagen and elastin within the skin. The renewal of collagen and elastin provides a plump appearance to the skin and will reduce visible signs of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as working to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.

Skin needling has also been scientifically proven to aid in the breaking down of scar tissue, and will significantly improve the appearance of scarring caused by inflammatory skin conditions like acne, or scarring that is the result of cuts or lacerations. After 36 years in the industry and extensive research, Karen Bowen uses only the highest quality micro-medical skin needling equipment to ensure optimum results. The clinic offers a number of skin needling methods including: Dermaroller, Dermastamp, Rejuvastamp and Deep Needling.

Upon consultation Karen and the team will suggest which method of skin needling will provide the most effective means of skin rejuvenation for you. Karen has been performing skin needling since it was first introduced globally in the year 2000. Skin Needling stimulates the skin to regenerate and repair itself, and will create smoother, healthier and plumper looking skin.

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